Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Hide Blog Title and Description on Blogger-Blogspot

These Tips are useful when you want to use your own header image on your blog for getting more attractive appearance. But when the blog title and description are mixed with the header image, then it will look rather chaotic. So they need to be hidden. Remember, this just to hide the blog title and description, but not to remove them. So no need to worry about blog PR or SEO.

Hide the blog Title:

- Login at with your Google account.

- Choose the blog you want to access. Click the Layout link, and then click the Edit HTML link.

- Inside the template codes, find the code below:

# header h1 {

- Then locate the following code right below that code:


- The result will look like this:

# header h1 {

- Save template. And view the blog.

Hide the blog description:

- Login at with your Google account.

- Choose the blog you want to access. Click the Layout link, and then click the Edit HTML link.

- Inside the template codes, find the following code:

# header .description {

- Then locate the following code right below that code:


- The result will look like this:

#header .description {

- Save template. And view the blog.

Hope this useful to you.

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1 comment:

Computer Tips said...

Helpful tip!!!
Very interesting article, I did not know how to do it, but now I did, thank you!!

Faiz Ahamed